"I hate being out of control".
"The addiction is ruining my life".
"I don't want to feel depressed from acting addictively".
"I don't like feeling guilty".
"I don't like feeling Insecure".
"I hate losing time to my addiction".
"The addiction is financially ruining me".
Yet, People still act addictively because they do not know how to overcome it. By nature we do not have control over our addictions. If you are willing to risk the quality of your life, your health, your time and the possibility of acting addictively for the rest of your life, you can, it's your choice.
You might feel hopeless because you have tried so many times in the past to overcome your sexual addiction and each and every time you ended up going back to the addiction. Almost every person I have helped overcome their addictions has tried some other approach or on their own before they used my counseling. Feeling hopeless about overcoming a sexual addiction is a part of the process. It's a stage everyone goes through. The hopelessness stems from past failures in dealing with sexual addiction and a sense of doom about the future.
First, give yourself credit for trying to overcome your sexual addiction. The fact is you tried to overcome your sexual addiction. You deserve credit for it. Secondly, the past will not repeat itself this time around because we are not going to repeat the mistakes of the past. Instead you will find out new things about sexual addiction and about yourself that will enable you to win your struggle. My counseling will give you an introductory insight into the unique, and highly effective aspects of this approach. Sexual addiction is devastating. It can destroy your life, haunt you with despair, entangle you into depression, harass you with anxiety, surround you with guilt, taunt you with shame and brand you with self-hate. When your every day experience of yourself is so profoundly negative, it is very, very difficult to imagine a positive future. In one way the doom you feel about the future is true. Because if you do not overcome your sexual addiction your future is bleak and miserable. But by overcoming your sexual addiction you free yourself of a painful future.