In depth look into what an addiction is and how it develops overtime. Lets define addiction then we will see how it works and later what we can do to overcome it.
An addiction is an activity or a substance that you use (usually somthing you like or enjoy and you find it pleasureable) and then you abuse it (example: it is done on daily basis) When it is abused it begins to interfere with your daily life. Because whatever you do more and more and is pleasureable you want it more also. After a while you try to stop so it won't interfere with your daily life. This is called suppression. Even though you are choosing to stop you are still suppressing. The problem with suppression is that when it comes to sex addiction sexually addictive desires can't or don't stay suppressed and emerge again after a few days, weeks, months or even after years. That is one of many reason why people fail to stop their addictive behavior for long term. If after stopping your addictive behavior you feel depressed, angry, anxious...assume you have not overcome your addiction. Overcoming your addiction should feel like you are doing something good for yourself if you are not feeling good about stopping your addiction your approach to stopping your addiction is incorrect.