Letters From Clients

Letter from a client  
Dear Jay,

I started masturbating after I was molested by a close relative when I was only twelve. As the years went by I started watching online porn and went from masturbating on weekly basis to everyday. When I got my first job I couldn’t wait to get my paychecks and spend money on porn DVDs. I felt awful spending money on my addiction. I was so much pulled into my fantasy world that I stopped looking for a real relationship. I tried stopping every time I watched porn and/or masturbated.

After many years of failing my hard efforts to stop , I attempted suicide but was saved by my caring family. They never knew about my hidden addiction. How could I tell them a much personal problem that I wasted my life in. As a young adult I got myself into a few relationships. Needless to say those relationships didn’t last very long. Some of those relationships turned out very bad because of my addiction. I was looking for help anywhere and from anyone. I tried the 12 step program no less than 15 times. I went to several therapists and only to found myself getting deeper into porn and masturbation.

A good friend of mine suggested that I go see you. At first I was skeptic but when we first spoke you made sense about what was going in my life. First you helped me with my relationship problems. That helped me get into a wonderful relationship with person who I am greatly in love with and to be married soon. Then you helped me overcome my addiction to porn and masturbation. Every step of the way you made sense. I am glad I stumbled upon you. I wasted years into my addiction wishing I could somehow stop. Now I wish I would have ran into you earlier. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I couldn’t have turned my life around without your help. Thank you, thank you so much.

Michael B.

Letter from a client  
Dear Jay,

I wouldn't accept the fact that I was heavily sexually addicted and that my hidden addictive behavior was having any effect on my overall life, especially my marriage. When I was on the verge of losing my marriage to my second wife, I knew my addiction was getting out of control and that I had to look for help. After years of trying hundreds of different unsuccessful methods, I finally admitted that I needed professional help to overcome my addiction to porn and masturbation. Someone with prior experience in this field and knew what he was doing. Fortunately, I ended up on your website while searching for help. I read everything on your website before I called you. You and I discussed what we needed to work on in order to overcome my addiction and better my life. I was impressed with your skills and integrity. In your counseling I learned that overcoming addiction isn't about counting days, it is about making a choice to either do or not do the addiction. You taught me how to make that choice. I could probably continue right along but will say this in the end thanks to your help I saved my marriage and overcame my addiction. I can say with great confidence that your counseling works.

Jason T.

Letter from a client written
Hello Jay,

I remember the first time I masturbated. I was perhaps thirteen years old. The experience was overwhelming in its sheer power and ecstatic feelings. I was totally unprepared. I remember thinking I had discovered the most amazing thing in the world. But I told no one. Even without being aware of it, my unconscious sexual shame (or perhaps the collective unconscious sexual shame) told me to keep this secret from everyone. In the following days, weeks and months, I kept trying to re-experience the same ecstasy, but increasing masturbation produced less and less joy and more shame and pain. It soon became the biggest problem in my life so I joined your counseling looking for a way out. Now I know that first sexual experience gave me a taste of divine connection, a taste of what could be experienced by connecting with the divine, both in myself and in a loving partner. But as a young teen, I naturally thought it was the masturbation itself that gave me that high experience. I am in a wonderful, loving relationship now. I really want to thank you for your hard work, caring and commitment. I feel incredibly fortunate to have gotten the chance to turn my life around with your help.

Timothy J.

The statements made in the Letters above are made by individuals who have received personal counseling and are based on the results of that counseling. The original Letters are in the possession of the counselor and may be viewed with the permission of the client and the counselor.